Neuroph has been presented at two sessions on Java One conference, which is considered to be the biggest and most influntial conference related to Java technologies.
1. The Cutting Edge of Desktop Software: The NetBeans Platform in Practice, by Geertjan Wielenga,
Where we presented Neuroph neural network IDE based on NetBeans Platform. [full session available here] [slides]
2. Patterns for Modularity, by Jaroslav Tulach, Zoran Sevarac, Anton Epple,
During which we shared our experience during porting Neuroph GUI easyNeurons to NetBeans Platform, and creating modular application. [full session available here] [slides]
Neuroph related parts of these sessions are available on this page below, and full sessions are available on corresponding links.
Brief overview
At these talks Zoran Sevarac gave the brief overview of the Neuroph framework, its purporse and features.
He outlined why porting to NetBeans Platform is important step for Neuroph project which will bring the whole project to the next level, and shared some experiences during the porting process. He also mentioned collaboration with Encog project as important and beneficial for future development.
Some pictures from Java One
James Gosling (the father of Java language) with Zoran Sevarac
Jaroslav Tulach (the original creator of Net Beans Platform) with Zoran Sevarac
Jaroslav, Toni and Zoran preparing the slides (we had so much fun!:)
And it felt like the whole part of San Francisco was Oracle during the conference - it was really big.